
General Conduct Policy

  1. Brookfield Elementary Players participants must conduct themselves in a respectable manner at classes, rehearsals, and/or performances. Inappropriate behavior will result in a call to the student's parent/guardian and/or dismissal. All participants must agree to attend all rehearsals for which they are scheduled unless there have been previously indicated conflicts. Participation in Tech Week Rehearsals are mandatory. Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the musical.

  2. Students will be on his or her best behavior at all times. All school rules remain in effect during rehearsals. Behavior that is inappropriate and/or a distraction to the cast or crew will not be tolerated. If disciplinary action is necessary, the director or the parent volunteers will provide a warning to the student. The second infraction will prompt a call home to the parent, and the third infraction will result in removal of the student from the production.

Attendance Policy

  • Students will attend all scheduled rehearsals. Rehearsals will be held Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays after school until 5:30 p.m. in the Brookfield Elementary school gym. All regular conflicts with these times must be listed on the Conflict Form. Each cast member will not need to be at every rehearsal; however, availability will be considered when casting the show. All students MUST be available for rehearsals every day after school during TECH WEEK, specific times as outlined in the Registration & Audition Packets. If you are not available for ALL tech week rehearsals or performances, you should not audition.

  • More than 3 unexcused absences from rehearsal will result in removal from the production. There are a limited number of rehearsals in a condensed time frame. Every role is important and having one cast member missing affects the entire cast.

  • An unexcused absence is defined as an absence not listed on a student's conflict form or not due to illness or family emergency.

  • An excused absence is any absence listed on the student's Conflict Form when those are turned in, any illness, or family emergency.

  • Parents should inform the Production Coordinator of any abscence due to illness or otherwise prior to rehearsal.

Technology Policy

  • Cell phones, iPods, tablets, chromebooks, etc. are not permitted during rehearsals. The first infraction of this rule during any one rehearsal period will result in a warning to the student. A second infraction of this rule during the same rehearsal period will result in the director and/or parent chaperones keeping possession of the device until the end of the rehearsal period and parents will be notified of the incident. Additional episodes at subsequent rehearsals could result in removal from the production.

Costume Policy

  • Parents will provide necessary items regarding costumes.

Volunteer Policy

  • Our production is not possible without the help of all of our parent volunteers. We value and appreciate the time and efforts of all of our volunteers. It is expected that each family will volunteer in some capacity during the production. There are available a variety of volunteer roles requiring varying degrees of time commitment. Please see our Volunteer Descriptions page for further information and details.